Monday, August 31, 2009

It's just the beginning...

Che Bella Vita...What a Beautiful Life! (in Italian)

Well, I have decided to join the millions of people who are recording all their thoughts, tips, and just plain ramblings by creating a blog. A place where I can share information about my jewelry, special secret sales and other creative tidbits.

A little about me...
I am a wife, mother to two children, a graphic designer by day and a jewelry designer by night (weekend, etc.!). I love design, jewelry, digital scrapbooking, tech gadgets, music, movies, arts & crafts, cooking and being creative.

Today is Momday (no, it is not a typeo) really is "mom"day Monday! It is the only day of the week where I get some hours to myself while the kids are at school. Every other day I am at work while they are at school. I so look forward to Momday! I try to not fill my day with chores and errands and actually do the things I want to do, but grocery shopping and running errands is so much easier without them that I bend the rules sometimes. Todays agenda includes, working on my blog, working on a custom photo pendant and a few new items for my shop, grocery shopping, lunch with a friend and maybe some quite time at the library. Whew...I better get going!

As I am just getting started setting up my blog, stop back soon, as things will be added and changing often! I plan on offering secret special discounts available only to my blog readers so be on the lookout!

Thanks for stopping by and if you have a moment to check out my shop, you can visit at You can also join my Facebook fan page "chebellavita" and follow me on Twitter at

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